(Written by Prof Dr Laurence who was on Libong Island the day of the disaster. This first hand personal account of the situation was released a few days after the catastrophe. It was written in response to questions by the media, govt, and used by relief workers/orgs working in the affected areas to better understand what happened from a local’s perspective)
At precisely 11.20 am on the fateful morning of Boxing Day 26th December 2004, a line of white foamy wave was seen from the horizon approaching the serene curved shoreline of Libong Nature Beach Resort. This “Paradise Found” Resort is tucked cozily amongst lush greenery facing a lagoon-like bay at the hilly western end of Libong Island.
Most of the guests were still asleep from the late Christmas Party last night. The early morning tremor at 8.30 am were not serious enough to be of concern to anybody. The handful who were up early were walking up and down the beachfront picking shells and looking at the unusual absence of seawater at the beach. Nobody suspected anything unnatural about this. Maybe it was an unusually low tide. Nothing to worry about. The natural lagoon pool at the left side of the Resort was also empty but the water will come back to fill it up.The natural rocky patches at the seafront were seen all over. For the first time since nobody knows when the beachfront finally reveal its rocky fossilized bottom which has always been mostly covered with crystal-clear water.
The handful of guests loitering along the exceptionally low water level shoreline did see the strange wave approaching. They kept watching the ever changing rolling foaming waves coming towards the shorefront. But no one suspected anything out of the ordinary would happen. The line of wave kept coming faster, higher, foaming and churning louder and louder like a fleet of droning aeroplanes. Then, right before their eyes, the roaring waves broke and collapsed amongst the platform of fossilized rocks along the resort’s front shoreline. It was as if a million foot soldiers came rushing in but tripped themselves on the network of undulating rock formation prepared by Nature left alone for decades – as if waiting for this day to come.
The breaking formation of the foaming churning water quickly turned into the likes of low-lying soldiers crawling on the bellies still aggressively moving towards the shoreline. By this time, people started to run up the resort higher ground but still looking at the frothing water coming in. The lonely resort longtail boat parked in front started to move as the oncoming giant ripples came rushing in. Within minutes, the boat went afloat and was rocked about. The boat driver rushed quickly to steady it but the bubbly water kept swelling and rocking the boat more violently. Knowing the danger under such a stormy situation, the boat driver quickly let go the longtail boat and ran inland for shelter. Sure enough, the stormy water rushed forward and tossed the boat onshore – crashing it against an old tree leaving it to hang tilted on the higher seafront ground to the right side of the Resort.
At precisely 11.20 am on the fateful morning of Boxing Day 26th December 2004, a line of white foamy wave was seen from the horizon approaching the serene curved shoreline of Libong Nature Beach Resort. This “Paradise Found” Resort is tucked cozily amongst lush greenery facing a lagoon-like bay at the hilly western end of Libong Island.
Most of the guests were still asleep from the late Christmas Party last night. The early morning tremor at 8.30 am were not serious enough to be of concern to anybody. The handful who were up early were walking up and down the beachfront picking shells and looking at the unusual absence of seawater at the beach. Nobody suspected anything unnatural about this. Maybe it was an unusually low tide. Nothing to worry about. The natural lagoon pool at the left side of the Resort was also empty but the water will come back to fill it up.The natural rocky patches at the seafront were seen all over. For the first time since nobody knows when the beachfront finally reveal its rocky fossilized bottom which has always been mostly covered with crystal-clear water.
The handful of guests loitering along the exceptionally low water level shoreline did see the strange wave approaching. They kept watching the ever changing rolling foaming waves coming towards the shorefront. But no one suspected anything out of the ordinary would happen. The line of wave kept coming faster, higher, foaming and churning louder and louder like a fleet of droning aeroplanes. Then, right before their eyes, the roaring waves broke and collapsed amongst the platform of fossilized rocks along the resort’s front shoreline. It was as if a million foot soldiers came rushing in but tripped themselves on the network of undulating rock formation prepared by Nature left alone for decades – as if waiting for this day to come.
The breaking formation of the foaming churning water quickly turned into the likes of low-lying soldiers crawling on the bellies still aggressively moving towards the shoreline. By this time, people started to run up the resort higher ground but still looking at the frothing water coming in. The lonely resort longtail boat parked in front started to move as the oncoming giant ripples came rushing in. Within minutes, the boat went afloat and was rocked about. The boat driver rushed quickly to steady it but the bubbly water kept swelling and rocking the boat more violently. Knowing the danger under such a stormy situation, the boat driver quickly let go the longtail boat and ran inland for shelter. Sure enough, the stormy water rushed forward and tossed the boat onshore – crashing it against an old tree leaving it to hang tilted on the higher seafront ground to the right side of the Resort.
Fortunately, the crushing waves receded as quickly as they rushed in. But less forceful waves kept pounding the shore for about ten minutes bringing all sorts of debris with it and throwing these all over the shoreline. The withdrawing water retreated just as fiercely as it came – pulling away whatever was in its way. Then, as if by magic, there was complete silence from the sea. The beachfront returned to its normal water level but the sandy area many people sunbathe the day before was covered with broken tree branches, leaves, and garbage of all sorts was strewn all over. By midday, residents in the resort wondered what had happened. The good news was – nobody was drowned, no one was hurt. Nobody even screamed.
News of devastation on other places still did not reach the island that fateful morning. The Resort Resident Manager quickly ordered his staff to clean up the surrounding as a matter of routine duty. Many of the residents also helped to bag the unsightly debris around. Within a couple of hours, the beachfront looked acceptably clean. Nobody though much about the “sudden storm”. Then, news of “terrible wreckage” started to come in from local officials and over the radio and TV. There was general confusion and suggestions of possible evacuation began to get into everyone’s conversation. Villagers from far and near started to advise their friends and relatives working for the Resort to leave for the mainland.
News of devastation on other places still did not reach the island that fateful morning. The Resort Resident Manager quickly ordered his staff to clean up the surrounding as a matter of routine duty. Many of the residents also helped to bag the unsightly debris around. Within a couple of hours, the beachfront looked acceptably clean. Nobody though much about the “sudden storm”. Then, news of “terrible wreckage” started to come in from local officials and over the radio and TV. There was general confusion and suggestions of possible evacuation began to get into everyone’s conversation. Villagers from far and near started to advise their friends and relatives working for the Resort to leave for the mainland.
The Sea Police are supposed to be sending large boats to evacuate the villagers to the mainland. Many villagers ran up the mountain behind the Resort for refuge and just as many gathered their valuables and waited at the south end pier for the Police Rescue boat. But most people from the four main villages in the Island remained in the homes still thinking what to do next. The following few days were filled with rumors and counter rumors but nobody, including Government Officials, would dare make assurances that there shall be no more “tidal waves” coming again. Anyway, no more dangerous killer waves came. The sea was back to normal. But life was not back to normal.
Continuous reports on the mass media around the world revealed the many destruction caused by this freak wave. The psychological impact on local villagers and tourists are negative and made people avoid being near the sea. Tourism for the time being, is zero. Life for the villagers in Libong Island should be back to normal but going out to sea again would never be the same again. The “ghost” of the Tsunami coming in will always be in the minds of those who saw the impending danger.