Attracted by the unspoiled and undeveloped marine coastline of Trang, Mr Anders Wijkman (Member of Parliament for the European Union) and his lovely wife Lady Catherine Bonde from Sweden made their way to this part of the Andaman coast to celebrate the New Year. The couple shared with the Foundation many ideas that they had about environmental conservation issues. They were extremely interested in helping the Foundation on a follow up project of the Thai-Swedish Cooperation. Both Mr Anders and Lady Catherine made a survey visit to Libong Island and Libong Nature Beach Resort – pilot sites that were selected by SIDA in the project.
The Lifelong Learning Foundation was delighted to play host to the couple as they had been recommended by our good friend – Mr Peter Hannerberg. Peter is a famous Swedish author and environmentalist. Due to his in-depth knowledge of Ecotourism issues and the surrounding nature, he has on many occasions escorted the Royal family of Sweden on their travels. Dr Anita worked with Mr Peter during the Thai-Swedish Project during his two year commitment with SIDA in assisting the province in developing an eco-friendly tourism concept. Peter is mostly traveling to exotic places around the world.